Specifying Building Automation Systems
ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee SGPC 13


Upcoming PC Meetings

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GPC 13 Annual Meeting - Kansas City

Saturday, June 22, 2019 8:00am-12PM CDT


AGENDA: In Progress 

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

See you there!







Project Committee meeting minutes are available to interested parties upon written request of the Manager of Standards. Attachments to minutes may or may not be included due to file size and/or because copyrighted intellectual property is included. Decisions to distribute attachments to the minutes will be made on a case by case basis and due to the size of the request may take longer to process.

Title, Purpose, and Scope

Committee Chair

Taraneh Shoorideh



Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2025 Winter Conference
February 8-12, 2025
Orlando, FL


Current Publication: GUIDELINE 13-2015 [Purchase in Bookstore Here!]