Vapor Compression Cooling and Heat Pump Chillers
ASHRAE Technical Committee 8.2

Upcoming TC Meetings

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TC8.2 Winter Conference Meeting

Location: Orlando, FL / Hybrid



Hilton Orlando, Turkey Lake (Lobby Level)

Monday, February 10th 1:15PM - 3:15 PM CST


Joint TC8.1/8.2 Subcommittee Meeting

Location: Virtual



Monday, Feb 3rd 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT



Committee Chair

Mr Trenton S Hunt

Committee Scope

TC 8.2 is concerned with cooling and heat pump chillers that involves centrifugal or positive displacement compressors, including those with heat exchangers, drivers, controls, split evaporators and condensers, and other accessories.


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2025 Annual Conference
June 21-25, 2025
Phoenix, AZ

Additional Information

The mission of Technical Committee 8.2, Vapor Compression Cooling and Heat Pump Chillers, is to provide world class technical expertise on all aspects of cooling and heat pump chillers utilizing centrifugal or positive displacement compressors. This committee is a resource to industry, academia, and others following society protocols through seminars, standards, technical papers/articles and other presentations.