Operation, Maintenance and Cost Management
ASHRAE Technical Committee 7.3


Upcoming TC Meetings

Tip: Copy and Paste Your Upcoming Meeting Information in this area.

ASHRAE Winter Conference 2023
Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 (in person)
1:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
TC 7.3 Operation, Maintenance and Cost Management
Omni CNN Maple A (A-South)
For additional subcommittee meeting and details, click on "Meetings" on the upper horizontal navigation bar.

Technical Committee (TC) members please access the meeting link from Basecamp. 
Non-TC members (and non-ASHRAE members) please email the TC chair to request
meeting access: TC0703@ashrae.net

Committee Chair

Mr Greg Tinkler

Committee Scope

TC 7.3 is concerned with the operation, maintenance, and cost management of buildings and the use of life cycle


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2025 Annual Conference
June 21-25, 2025
Phoenix, AZ


Additional Information

  • Scope:  

This TC is concerned with the operation, maintenance, and cost management of buildings and the use of life cycle cost analysis techniques for decision-making when considering investments in building performance.  

  • Vision:

People spend much of their time inside buildings. In some places around the globe, it's as much as 90%.  So how buildings are operated and maintained can have profound impacts on people's lives. Our goals are to promote awareness that:

-Building operation, maintenance and cost management are equally important to building performance as is building design; and

-An important key to achieving high building performance is the effective management of the personnel entrusted to operate and maintain the building

We believe that many hands make light work, so we welcome your help in achieving these goals. If you would like to share an idea, express a concern, or participate in a hands-on way, please do any of the following:

  • select MEMBERSHIP from the toolbar above, then select “Join TC 7.3,” and follow the instructions; or  
  • simply drop in on one of our upcoming committee or subcommittee meetings; or  
  • send an email to our chair at TC0703@ashrae.net