Evaporative Cooling
ASHRAE Technical Committee 5.7

Scope of TC 5.7

TC 5.7 is concerned with contact type heat transfer surfaces and equipment for evaporative air-cooling. It includes application to residential, commercial and industrial cooling requirements.

TC 5.7 is involved in many different types of activities.  For this reason, information about each activity can be found in the following categories:


The ASHRAE Handbook is published in a series of four volumes, one of which is revised each year, ensuring that no volume is older than four years.

Chapter 51
HVAC Applications: Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative cooling is energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost effective in many applications and all climates. Applications range from comfort cooling in residential, agricultural, commercial, and institutional buildings, to industrial applications for spot cooling in mills, foundries, power plants, and other hot environments. Several types of apparatus cool by evaporating water directly in the airstream, including (1) direct evaporative coolers, (2) spray-filled and wetted-surface air washers, (3) sprayed-coil units, and (4) humidifiers. Indirect evaporative cooling equipment combines the evaporative cooling effect in a secondary airstream with a heat exchanger to produce cooling without adding moisture to the primary airstream.

Chapter 41
HVAC Systems and Equipment: Evaporative AirCooling Equipment

This chapter addresses direct and indirect evaporative equipment, air washers, and their associated equipment used for air cooling, humidification, dehumidification, and air cleaning. Residential and industrial humidification equipment are covered in Chapter 22.

The ASHRAE HVAC APPLICATIONS and HVAC SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Handbooks may be purchased from the on-line bookstore by clicking on the highlighted text.

Comment on the Handbook: ASHRAE welcomes your comments on the Handbook or a specific Handbook chapter.  To submit a comment about any aspect or part of the Handbook series, you can use the Handbook Comment Form.

Review a Handbook Chapter: To provide your feedback about a specific Handbook chapter, you can answer the brief survey questions on the Handbook Chapter Review Form.


Technical committees develop and sponsor technical sessions at the winter and annual conferences. Information about their future technical program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Program Subcommittee meeting

ASHRAE publishes papers and transactions from presentations at its conference events. In addition, ASHRAE records most of the seminar sessions from its conferences on DVD. These DVDs are ideal for use at chapter meetings, in university courses, or company lunch and learns. Products available from the most recent conference may be found here.

San Antonio, 2012
Seminar 34 –  "Update on Evaporative Cooling Technologies: Simple Keeps Getting Better” (Room:  103B)             
Monday, June 25, 2012, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Las Vegas, 2011
Seminar 55 –  "Energy Saving Goes Hand in Hand with Comfortable Humidification By Evaporative Cooling in Hot and Dray Climates"  (Room:  Pavilion 10)            
Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Conference Paper Session #5: "Evaporative Cooling"
(Room: Pavilion 9)
Sunday, January 30, 2011, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM

Orlando, 2010
Seminar 71 –  "Evaporative Cooling Down South?  You've got to be kidding!"
Wednesday, Jan 27th, 2010,  11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Panzacola H3/4, Rosen Shingle Creek

Chicago, 2009
Seminar 35  –  Greener Data Centers through Evaporative Cooling
Monday, Jan 26th, 2009,  2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.  Room Salons 8/9, Palmer Hilton House

Salt Lake City, 2008
Seminar 70  –  Indirect and Direct Evaporativer Cooling at Altitute with Attitude
Wednesday, June 25th, 2008,  11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Salt Palace Convention Center, Room A.

New York, 2008
Seminar 45  –  Energy Efficient Designs for Data Centers: Oxymoron or Reality?  (Part 1)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Javits Convention Center.

Seminar 53  –  Energy Efficient Designs for Data Centers: Oxymoron or Reality?  (Part 2)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Javits Convention Center.

Long Beach, 2007
Seminar 61 (Advanced) –  Evaporative Cooling Strategies to Reduce Peak Electric Demand (Part 1)
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007.  Room 204, 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

Seminar 64 (Advanced) – Evaporative Cooling Strategies to Reduce Peak Electric Demand (Part 2)
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007.  Room 204, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Dallas, 2007
Seminar 5 – Dallas Convention Center C150 Ground Level, Monday Jan 29th, 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Stay Cool and Green:  New Innovations and Case Histories with Indirect Evaporative Cooling
(Leon Shapiro, Bryan Im, William Kimball)

Seminar 4 – Dallas Convention Center, Monday Jan 29th, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Energy Efficient Ventilation Systems
(Wayne Lawton, Leon Shapiro)

Seminar 11 – Adam's Mark Hotel, Sunday Jan 28th, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Co-sponsored with TC 8.10
Energy Efficient Design for Outside Air Systems
(Daniel Harmeyer)

Quebec, June 2006
Forum: "Data Centers and Direct Evaporative Cooling: Are They Compatible?

Orlando , February 2005
Seminar: "Water Issues and Considerations for Evaporative Cooling"
"Creative Use of Ozone to Keep Your Cool Clean" - Leon Shapiro
"Water Treatment" - Patricia Graef
"Water Usage" - Michael Sherber

Forum: "Evaporative Cooling in High Wet Bulb Climates"

Nashville , June 2004
Seminar: "Innovative Applications of Evaporative Cooling"
"Evaporative Cooling and Under Floor Delivery Systems" - C. Mike Scofield
"Comparative Water Usage of Evaporative Cooling and Vapor Compression Cooling" - Michael Sherber
"Innovative HVAC System Designs for Evaporative Cooled Schools" - Daniel Harmeyer
"Innovative Uses for Evaporative Cooling" - Mark Lentz


Technical Committees are responsible for identifying research topics, proposing research projects, selecting bidders, and monitoring research projects funded by ASHRAE. Information about their specific research program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Research Subcommittee meeting.


 TC 5.7 is responsible for the following standards.

ANSI/ASHRAE Std 133:  Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
ANSI/ASHRAE Std 143: Method of Test for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers
Proposed Standard 212P:  Method of Test for Determining Energy Performance and Water-Use Efficiency of Add-On Evaporative Pre-Coolers for Unitary Air Conditioning Equipment.

ASHRAE writes standards for the purpose of establishing consensus for: 1) methods of test for use in commerce and 2) performance criteria for use as facilitators with which to guide the industry. ASHRAE publishes the following three types of voluntary consensus standards: Method of Measurement or Test (MOT), Standard Design and Standard Practice. ASHRAE does not write rating standards unless a suitable rating standard will not otherwise be available. ASHRAE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and follows ANSI's requirements for due process and standards development. Standards may be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore.

Other Activities

Hot Climate Design Guide

This MTG will coordinate TC/TG/TRG technical Activities to help support the development of the technical basis and adoption of the Hot Climate Design Guide. Responsibilities include suggestions for Research, Development and Presentations and special publications detailing aspects of the Hot Climate Design Guide.


ASHRAE Technical FAQs are provided as a service to ASHRAE members, users of ASHRAE publications, and the general public. While every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and reliability, they are advisory and provided for informational purposes only, and in many cases represent only one person’s view. They are not intended and should not be relied on as an official statement of ASHRAE. Technical questions not addressed may be submitted to the ASHRAE Technical Services department at tse@ashrae.net.