TC 6.7 is concerned with all equipment, processes and systems which collect, convert, store and utilize solar energy or other renewable energy sources. Overlap with other TCs is recognized where specific systems are included to utilize or distribute energy as heat or electricity.
The ASHRAE Handbook is published in a series of four volumes, one of which is revised each year, ensuring that no volume is older than four years.
The Handbook can be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore by clicking on this link.
If you are a voting or corresponding member of TC6.7 you can provide inputs and edits to TC6.7 cognizant chapters in the ASHRAE Handbook Central. The handbook central ( can be found under communities - standing committees on the front page. Then scroll down to and click on Handbook Committee (under the heading "Committees that report to Publishing and Educational Council". On the Handbook committee page, scroll down and click on Handbook central and then click on the Information and tools for ASHRAE TCs developing Handbook Content link. Then click on Log in to the Authoring Portal (will only work with Internet Explorer). Please use "track changes" so it is possible to see what edits/suggestions you make and who made them. If you do not track your changes, it is unlikely that your changes and suggestions will be noticed and therefore included in the updated versions.
TC 6.7 is responsible for the following chapters in the ASHRAE Handbook:
HVAC Applications: Solar Energy Use
The sun radiates considerable energy onto the earth. Putting that relatively low-intensity (rarely over 300 Btu/h·ft2 [950 W/m2]) energy to work has lead to the creation of many types of devices to convert that energy into useful forms, mainly heat and electricity. How that energy is valued economically drives the ebb and flow of the global solar industry. This chapter discusses several different types of solar equipment and system designs for various HVAC applications, as well as methods to determine the solar resource.
The ASHRAE HVAC APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK may be purchased from the on-line bookstore by clicking on the highlighted text.
HVAC Systems & Equipment: Solar Equipment
Solar energy use is becoming more economical as the cost of energy continues to climb, especially with increasing government and utility incentives as well as growing interest in green and/or sustainable construction. In addition, many countries consider solar and renewable energy as a security measure to ensure the availability of power under adverse conditions. While the United States continues to grow its solar industry, China, Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean basin are leading development of advanced manufacturing techniques and applications. However, equipment and systems are still very similar in all markets; therefore, this chapter primarily discusses the basic equipment used, with particular attention to collectors. More detailed descriptions of systems and designs can be found in Chapter 35 of the 2011 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications.
The ASHRAE HVAC SYSTEMS & EQUIPMENT HANDBOOK may be purchased from the on-line bookstore by clicking on the highlighted text.
Comment on the Handbook: ASHRAE welcomes your comments on the Handbook or a specific Handbook chapter. To submit a comment about any aspect or part of the Handbook series, you can use the Handbook Comment Form.
Review a Handbook Chapter: To provide your feedback about a specific Handbook chapter, you can answer the brief survey questions on the Handbook Chapter Review Form.
Technical committees develop and sponsor technical sessions at the winter and annual conferences. Information about their future technical program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Program Subcommittee meeting.
ASHRAE publishes papers and transactions from presentations at its conference events. In addition, ASHRAE records most of the seminar sessions from its conferences on DVD. These DVDs are ideal for use at chapter meetings, in university courses, or company lunch and learns. Products available from the most recent conference may be found here.
Past Programs:
2024 Winter meeting: Seminar 19: LIVESTREAM: Beneficial Electrification
2024 Winter meeting: Seminar 46: The Future Is Electrifying: Zero-Carbon Case Studies Under Moderate Climate
2024 Winter meeting: Seminar 56: Strategies for Net Zero Energy Buildings
2022 Winter meeting: Seminar 12: Renewables and the Smart Grid
2021 Annual meeting: Seminar 11 The State-of-the-Art of Thermally-Driven Heat Pumping and Cooling System in the Age of Decarbonization
2021 Winter meeting: Seminar 39: Bridging Two Worlds: Standards, Guidelines and Codes for Solar Energy Systems in Buildings
2021 Winter meeting: Seminar 40: Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Envelope for Cold Climates: Here Comes the Power of the Sun
2021 Winter meeting: Seminar 44: Decarbonization and Electrification of the Built Environment: Designing Canada’s Future Urban Communities
2020 Annual meeting: Seminar 58: Could Electric Energy Storage Systems Be the Answer for Zero Energy Buildings?
2021 Annual meeting: Seminar 62: Micro-Grid Design Considerations: Sizing, Performance, Cost and Code Issues
2020 Winter meeting: Seminar 1: Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems: Enabling Energy Resilient High Performance Buildings
2020 Winter meeting: Seminar 5: Solar Assisted Air Conditioning: How Solar Energy Can Cool Down your Building
2019 Annual meeting: Seminar 59: Energy Systems Integration and Smart Grid-Ready Buildings: All You Need to Know to Be a Good Grid Citizen
2019 Winter meeting: Seminar 2: Steps toward Net Zero for the Marine Corps Logistics Base at Albany GA
2018 Annual meeting: Seminar 62: Design and Implementation of Solar-Assisted Geothermal Systems: From A to Z
2018 Winter meeting: Seminar 18: Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Systems: Enabling Net-Zero Energy Performance and Beyond
2017 Annual meeting: Seminar 7: NZEB from Foundation to Financing: Nonresidential Buildings
2017 Annual meeting: Seminar 17: Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat It: Modeling, Performance and Lessons Learned from Installation of Solar Energy Systems
2016 Annual meeting: Seminar 20: Computer Aided Renewable Energy System Design with Case Studies
2016 Annual Meeting: Seminar 64: N-ZERO from Foundation to Financing: Residential Buildings
2016 Winter meeting: Seminar 38: Cooling with the Sun: Solar PV Cooling
2016 Winter meeting: Seminar 49: Cooling with the Sun: Solar Thermal Cooling
2016 Winter meeting: TC Seminar: Building Integrated PV (BIPV) Standardization is an International and Global Need.
2015 Annual meeting: Workshop 4: Solar Decathlon Global Network: Database and Modeling Engine Research, Development and Validation
2015 Annual meeting: Seminar 42: Ground Source Heat Pumps and Solar Together: Highest Energy Efficiencies Become Possible
2015 Annual meeting: Seminar 64: Solar PV 101 for Designers
2015 Annual meeting: TC Seminar: Building Integrated Solar, HVAC&R Systems For Zero CO2 Emission And Energy Plus Buildings, Healthy Settlements And Sustainable Economy Development
2013 Annual meeting: Special Session 1: Panel Discussion: Shifting Landscape of Renewable Energy Systems in an Era of Low PV and Natural Gas Prices.
2013 Annual meeting: Special Session 4: Workshop: BIM, Commissioning, and COBie: Does Automated Building Energy Modeling Replace Measurement and Verification?
2013 Annual meeting: Seminar 45: Integrating Innovative, Large-scale Solar Thermal Systems into the Built Environment.
2012 Winter meeting: Conference Paper Session 3: How Regulations and Policies are Promoting Sustainable Energy Use and High-Performance Buildings Around the World
2012 Winter meeting: Conference Paper Session 24: The Role of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
2012 Winter meeting: Seminar 1: 2011 Solar Decathlon: Lessons for Net Zero Residential Structures
2011 Annual meeting: Conference Paper Session 18: Unique Applications of Photovoltaic Systems
2011 Annual meeting: Conference Paper Session 11: New Research and Tools for Solar Energy Collection Optimization
2011 Annual meeting: Seminar 52: Solar Cooling in the U.S. and Abroad
2011 Annual meeting: Seminar 13: Quest for Building Information: Real Time Monitoring of Solar Systems to Shed Light on Building Operation
2011 Winter meeting: Seminar 15: Going Lower with Solar
2011 Winter meeting: Forum 6: The Role of Solar and other Renewable Energy Sources on the Strategic Energy Planning
2009 Annual meeting: Transaction 2: "Design Tools for Modeling Hybrid Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) Systems"
2009 Annual meeting: Seminar 16: "Design of Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump Systems"
2009 Winter meeting: Seminar 21 "2007 Solar Decathlon Award-Winning Designs"
2009 Winter meeting: Seminar 32 "Sustainability Re-sustained: Lessons to Be Learned from Solar Technologies in Buildings in Recent Times"
2008 Annual meeting: Seminar 24 "Advanced Testing Procedures and Standardization of Solar PV and Thermal Components and Their Buildings’ Integration: International Harmonization of Approaches"
2008 Winter meeting: Seminar 44 "Solar Decathlon".
2007 Annual meeting: Seminar 54 "What's New Under The Sun"
2007 Winter meeting: Seminar 52 "ASHRAE and ASES Views on Solar Utilization in Zero-Energy Footprint Buildings"
2006 Annual meeting: Transaction 11 "Near Zero Energy Homes with Solar", 10th ranked transaction, ~100 attendees
2006 Winter meeting: Seminar 57 "Recent Developments in Renewable Energy Technologies for Heating and Cooling"
2005 Annual meeting: Seminar "Solar Space Conditioning: State of the Shelf"
2005 Winter meeting: Seminar "Solar Systems and Near Zero Energy Homes"
2004 Annual meeting: Seminar "Leading Edge Solar Technologies"
2004 Winter meeting: Symposium "Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and BPS for Sustainable Local and Regional Development"
2003 Annual meeting: Seminar "Solar Domestic Hot Water Application"
2003 Annual meeting: Seminar "RES Integrated Sustainable Buildings"
2003 Winter meeting: Seminar "The Solar Decathlon: Results of the 2002 Competition"
2003 Winter meeting: Forum "What can ASHRAE and its members do to increase the use of Solar Energy"
Technical Committees are responsible for identifying research topics, proposing research projects, selecting bidders, and monitoring research projects funded by ASHRAE. Information about their specific research program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Research Subcommittee meeting.
Research Topic Acceptance Requests (RTAR) currently discussed:
Solar PV Design Guide:
RTAR Comments
DRAFT Work statement (Word)
Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) system modeling procedure
RTARs previously submitted:
Development of Solar-assisted Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems
Validation of Passive Solar Cooling Estimation Procedures
The Direct Regeneration of Desiccants with Solar Energy
Optimization and Testing of a Solar Cooling System
ASHRAE writes standards for the purpose of establishing consensus for: 1) methods of test for use in commerce and 2) performance criteria for use as facilitators with which to guide the industry. ASHRAE publishes the following three types of voluntary consensus standards: Method of Measurement or Test (MOT), Standard Design and Standard Practice. ASHRAE does not write rating standards unless a suitable rating standard will not otherwise be available. ASHRAE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and follows ANSI's requirements for due process and standards development. Standards may be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore.
TC 6.7 is cognizant (or Co-cognizant) for the following standards:
Withdrawn ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 93: Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors
ASHRAE Standard 95: Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems (TC 6.6 CoC)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 125: Method of Testing Thermal Energy Meters for Liquid Streams in HVAC Systems (TC 6.1 Lead)
ASHRAE Technical FAQs are provided as a service to ASHRAE members, users of ASHRAE publications, and the general public. While every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and reliability, they are advisory and provided for informational purposes only, and in many cases represent only one person’s view. They are not intended and should not be relied on as an official statement of ASHRAE. Technical questions not addressed may be submitted to the ASHRAE Technical Services department at
TC 6.7 is responsible for the following ASHRAE FAQ:
Where can I find information on solar energy and solar heating equipment? (79)