Summer 2021 update: Guideline 36 is about to get a big update! Hot water systems and chilled water systems have been added to the document. Additionally the summer 2021 rerelease of the document will allow users to get a copy of the updated guideline in a document file format for easy copy and pasting into project specifications! The guideline will also be published with a PDF version showing the changes made between the 2018 and 2021 publications to make updates to existing specifications easier to spot. Keep an eye out on the ASHRAE Bookstore for the new release scheduled for summer 2021.
Guideline 36 was created by ASHRAE’s Technical Committee 1.4, Control Theory and Application to maintain and publish best-of-class control sequences that meet or exceed the requirements of published ASHRAE standards such as 90.1, 62.1 and 55. These sequences are intended for use with fully programmable DDC BAS systems controlling variable speed/capacity equipment.
The Guideline’s first formal publication will be high performance control sequences for airside HVAC equipment, including single zone VAV AHUs, multiple-zone VAV AHUs, and a variety of VAV terminal units. These control sequences are based on Task 2, the written English language sequences of operation, from ASHRAE Research Project 1455, “Advanced Control Sequences for HVAC Systems – Phase I Air Distribution and Terminal Systems.”
The Guideline was first published in 2018 and can be purchased via the ASHRAE Bookstore. There will be a major update to the Guideline tentatively scheduled to be released in June 2021.
The GPC meets (under normal circumstances) at the Annual and Winter Meetings on Mondays from 8am noon local time. We also have quarterly net meetings. Their dates and times will be updated on this website as they're determined.
In addition to help in writing the guideline we need control manufacturers and facility owners to participate in the programming and testing of these sequences in their hardware and facilities. Currently we are searching for controls manufacturers to develop Guideline 36 compliant programs for use by their distribution networks which will help adoption of the sequences through out the industry.
Please share this site with other potential interested parties, and have them contact Steve Taylor if they are interested in joining this committee.