High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee 36

Member Roster

Current as of 10/24/2024

Name Voting Status Committee Position
Wangda Zuo Non-voting NvM-General
Kelley Cramm Non-voting Consultant
Jennifer Isenbeck Non-voting Spls Liaison
Mark Weber Non-voting Staff Liaison
Xiaohui Zhou Voting Chair; PcvM-General
Reece Kiriu Voting Vice Chair; PcvM-User
Matt Bhumbla Voting PcvM-Producer
JoeDon Breda Voting PcvM-User
Lance Brown Voting PcvM-User
Jayson Bursill Voting PcvM-Producer
Cynthia Callaway Voting PcvM-User
Yan Chen Voting PcvM-General
Gregory Cmar Voting PcvM-User
Nick Conway Voting PvM-General
Paul Ehrlich Voting PcvM-General
Brent Eubanks Voting NvM-User
Michael Galler Voting NvM-General
Todd Gottshall Voting PcvM-User
Eric Koeppel Voting PcvM-User
Kevin Li Voting PcvM-Producer
Aaron Opatz Voting PcvM-Producer
Chirag Parikh Voting PcvM-Producer
Michael Pouchak Voting NvM-Producer
Paul Raftery Voting PcvM-General
Michael Reimer Voting PcvM-User
Joseph Ruggiero Voting NvM-Producer
Ryan Soo Voting NvM-Producer
Henry Stehmeyer Voting Webmaster; PcvM-Producer
Christopher Amundson Non-voting NvM-Producer
Jason Atkisson Non-voting NvM-User
Christine Benga Non-voting NvM-Producer
Daniel Bersohn Non-voting NvM-User
Ian Bonadeo Non-voting NvM-Producer
Barry Bridges Non-voting NvM-General
Anthony Bruno Non-voting NvM-Producer
C Cheng Non-voting NvM-User
James Coogan Non-voting NvM-Producer
Horacio Cornejo Non-voting NvM-User
James Del Monaco Non-voting NvM-User
Clark Denson Non-voting NvM-User
Karthikeya Devaprasad Non-voting NvM-General
Xia Fang Non-voting NvM-General
Richard Farmer Non-voting NvM-User
Justin Garner Non-voting NvM-User
Ken Gilbert Non-voting NvM-Producer
Christopher Gosline Non-voting NvM-Producer
Milica Grahovac Non-voting NvM-General
Kyle Hasenkox Non-voting NvM-User
Tharanga Jayarathne Non-voting NvM-General
Elizabeth Kolacki Non-voting NvM-General
Xing Lu Non-voting NvM-Producer
Travis McDaniel Non-voting NvM-User
Christopher McGowan Non-voting NvM-Producer
Mark Miller Non-voting NvM-Producer
David Morrow Non-voting NvM-General
Kevin Ng Non-voting NvM-User
Herve Frank Nouanegue Non-voting NvM-General
Gwelen Paliaga Non-voting NvM-General
James Parker Non-voting NvM-Producer
Guy Perreault Non-voting NvM-Producer
Mark Peterson Non-voting NvM-Producer
Thiago Portes Non-voting NvM-General
David Pritchard Non-voting NvM-User
Te Qi Non-voting NvM-General
Eric Rehn Non-voting NvM-Producer
David Roberts Non-voting NvM-User
John Rundell Non-voting NvM-User
Brian Russell Non-voting NvM-Producer
Jonathan Smith Non-voting NvM-Producer
Raf Sowacki Non-voting NvM-Producer
Iain Stewart Non-voting NvM-General
Gregori Tayco Non-voting NvM-User
Steven Taylor Non-voting NvM-User
Juan Torres Non-voting NvM-Producer
Alexander Trueblood Non-voting NvM-General
Chariti Young Non-voting NvM-Producer