Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.9


Upcoming TC Meetings


TC2.09 Members and Liaisons,


Thank you for your interest in TC 2.09.  The contributions of our members, liaisons, and interested parties like you help us to advance the science of UV applications, and use of ultraviolet systems and equipment to better the indoor environment for all.


Starting in January we will begin holding several of the sub-committee meetings virtually and the schedule with the corresponding links is shown below.  These smaller sub-committee meetings are very productive and important to help guide the direction of the main committee.

Upcoming TC Meetings

Tip: Copy and Paste Your Upcoming Meeting Information in this area.

ASHRAE – Winter meeting 2025 Orlando

Meeting Name Starts On Ends On Meeting format Meeting Link
TC 2.9 Program
Tue, 1/21/2025
10:00-AM EDT
Tue, 1/21/2025
12:00-PM EDT
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 227 122 039 218
Passcode: mARsA8
TC 2.9 Handbook
Tue, 1/28/2025 1:00-PM EDT Tue, 1/28/2025 3:00-PM EDT  
Join the meeting now 
Meeting ID: 266 577 142 680
Passcode: psTDqX  
TC 2.9 Communications Fri, 1/31/2025
1:00-PM EDT
Fri, 1/31/2025
3:00-PM EDT
Join the meeting now 
Meeting ID: 268 227 831 659
Passcode: 9B6Jzi
TC 2.9 Standards,
SPC 185, & GPC 37
Sat, 2/8/2025 1:00-PM EDT Sat, 2/8/2025 3:00-PM EDT  
Join the meeting now 
Meeting ID: 257 387 971 227
Passcode: xVqJYY
In-person location:
Hilton Orlando - Lake Mizell B (Lobby level)
TC 2.9 Research Mon, 2/10/2025 8:00-AM EDT Mon, 2/10/2025 10:00-PM EDT  
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 298 635 870 517
Passcode: VCRPL5
In-person location:
Hilton Orlando - Lake Monroe AB (Lobby level)
TC 2.9 Main Meeting Mon, 2/10/2025 10:00-AM EDT Mon, 2/10/2025 12:00-PM EDT  
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 223 424 845 393
Passcode: Fs9Dir
In-person location:
Hilton Orlando - Lake Monroe AB (Lobby level)

Committee Chair

Mr Sam Guzman

Committee Scope

TC 2.9 is concerned with all aspects of equipment and systems that utilize ultraviolet radiation to destroy or deactivate chemical and/or biological air and surface contaminants in HVAC systems and indoor spaces, including, but not limited to, effectiveness, safety, maintenance and economics.


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2025 Annual Conference
June 21-25, 2025
Phoenix, AZ


Additional Information

Also, please see below the links to relevant UV presentations at the conference.


Paper Session 24: Presentation 2: Experimental Determination of SF₆ and CO₂ Sorption Isotherms of Silica Gel (OR-25-C108)

Tuesday, February 11 10:05 AM – 10:25 AM EST

Hilton Orlando, LL, Orange G



Draft minutes of the Summer Meeting and Meeting Agenda for the upcoming Main meeting are attached.


You can check the dates and timings of all other committee meetings and the technical program here:  https://events.rdmobile.com/Sessions/Index/18397


Additional websites / resources:


