The Long Range Planning Subcommittee is charged with setting long range goals for our TC. It regularly solicits opinions from all concerning the future needs of fan designers and users. Presently pending ideas are (not in the order of priority/importance):
1. Monitoring the development of CFD technology and/or other computational methods for aero-acoustic and evaluating their suitability for fan sound prediction in ASHRAE.
2. Creating a list of FAQs related to fans and maintaining and expanding the list regularly.
3. Development of short course(s) or seminars/webinars on fan fundamentals that can be taught at the ASHRAE conferences/meetings or at local chapter meeting(s). This will be done collaboratively with AMCA and other strategic partners.
4. Periodic publications in concert with ASHRAE Journal and other strategic partnerships, such as other section 5 TCs and TC 1.11 (Motors and motor controls), etc.
5. Supporting or endorsing external conferences and training courses on fans, and co-development or sponsorship of new or revised standards or guidelines that directly relate to fans, based on strategic partnerships.
6. Developing a YEA program to better attract, engage, and develop the YEA members.
7. Monitoring and providing guidance, as appropriate, to regulatory requirements for fans.
8. Any other ideas?