ASHRAE Technical Committee 5.1

Scope of TC 5.1

TC 5.1 is concerned with the selection, application and testing-for-rating of fans, including recommended installation practices and field test procedures.


The ASHRAE Handbook is published in a series of four volumes, one of which is revised each year, ensuring that no volume is older than four years.

The Handbook can be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore by clicking on this link.

The handbook is one of the most important communication vehicles between the Society and its members. The present challenge is to make certain that the chapter covers all the of the basic fan design and application theory is terms that are clear to most people. Some future challenges include a smooth transition toward the use of an electronic Handbook with the possibility of an interactive presentation.

This TC is responsible for the following chapter in the HVAC Systems & Equipment Volume

A fan is a device that uses a power-driven rotating impeller to move air. The impeller does work on the air, imparting to it both static and kinetic energy, which vary in proportion, depending on the fan type.

Comment on the Handbook: ASHRAE welcomes your comments on the Handbook or a specific Handbook chapter.  To submit a comment about any aspect or part of the Handbook series, you can use the Handbook Comment Form.

Review a Handbook Chapter: To provide your feedback about a specific Handbook chapter, you can answer the brief survey questions on the Handbook Chapter Review Form.


Technical committees develop and sponsor technical sessions at the winter and annual conferences. Information about their future technical program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Program Subcommittee meeting.

The following is a sample of past TC 5.1 sponsored programs - Click the link to open the available presentations
Orlando 2020: Seminar 51, Why Isn't My Fan Working? The Complex Word of Fan/System Interactions
           Fan and System Curve Basics and Intro to System Effect
           System Line Interaction and Stability with Axial Fans

Houston 2018: Seminar 37, Selection and Application of Fans Used in Variable Air Volume System
          Selection & Application Considerations of Fans Used In Variable Air Volume Systems
           Fan Systems: Part-Load Energy Performance & TAB/Commissioning Opportunities
           (for best viewing download and view this presentation in prsenter view so that the extensive notes from the presenter can be seen)

Chicago 2018: Seminar 29,  Fan Energy Savings and System Efficiency Increase by Using the Fan Energy Index.
          Fan Selection Using FEI
          Fan Energy Index Defined

Las Vegas 2017: Seminar 25, Wire-to-Air Fan Powered Performance Consumption.
          Measurement of Fan Component Efficiency

Orlando 2016: Hot Topic Presentation
           Fan Efficiency Regulation Update for ASHRAE TC 5.1

Chicago 2015: Seminar 2, Fan and System Integration for Maximizing Energy Efficiency Design; Seminar 28, System Effects from Inlet of Centrifugal and Plenum Fans.

Dallas 2013: Seminar 7, Designing Energy Efficient Ventilation Systems for Transportation Using Jet Fans.

Denver 2013: Seminar 31, Laboratory Exhaust Fans and Energy Conservation.

ASHRAE publishes papers and transactions from presentations at its conference events. In addition, ASHRAE records most of the seminar sessions from its conferences on DVD. These DVDs are ideal for use at chapter meetings, in university courses, or company lunch and learns. Products available from the most recent conference may be found here.


Technical Committees are responsible for identifying research topics, proposing research projects, selecting bidders, and monitoring research projects funded by ASHRAE. Information about their specific research program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Research Subcommittee meeting.

This TC has the following active research projects:
Research Projects in process
-RP 1769,
Experimental Evaluation of the Efficiency of Belt Drives for Fans
Work Statements in progress
-WS 1835, Characterizing the Performance of Induced Flow Stacks
RTAR's in progress
-There are currently no new fan RTAR's.
PTAR's in progress
-There are currently no new fan PTAR's.

New Topics
--Plenum fan spacing guidelines, especially parallel arrangements

Long Range Planning

The Long Range Planning Subcommittee is charged with setting long range goals for our TC. It regularly solicits opinions from all concerning the future needs of fan designers and users. Presently pending ideas are (not in the order of priority/importance):

1. Monitoring the development of CFD technology and/or other computational methods for aero-acoustic and evaluating their suitability for fan sound prediction in ASHRAE.

2. Creating a list of FAQs related to fans and maintaining and expanding the list regularly.

3. Development of short course(s) or seminars/webinars on fan fundamentals that can be taught at the ASHRAE conferences/meetings or at local chapter meeting(s). This will be done collaboratively with AMCA and other strategic partners.

4. Periodic publications in concert with ASHRAE Journal and other strategic partnerships, such as other section 5 TCs and TC 1.11 (Motors and motor controls), etc.

5. Supporting or endorsing external conferences and training courses on fans, and co-development or sponsorship of new or revised standards or guidelines that directly relate to fans, based on strategic partnerships.

6. Developing a YEA program to better attract, engage, and develop the YEA members.

7. Monitoring and providing guidance, as appropriate, to regulatory requirements for fans.

8. Any other ideas?


Purpose: Advise the TC on standards activity that may affect or influence its activities.
- Advise and recommend new standards, chair, members.
- Advise status of current standards that affect or influence.
- Submit review comments on standards in public review.
- Propose changes to standards on continuous maintenance.
- Be aware of changes and revision in progress.
- Report to TC

Standards of Interest can be downloaded here
Standards may be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore.

This TC is cognizant or co-cognizant for the following standards:
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 51: Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating (AMCA Lead)

Other Activities

TIP: If MTG involvement add here otherwise leave blank.

Include other activities, such as MTG involvement, into this section.


ASHRAE Technical FAQs are provided as a service to ASHRAE members, users of ASHRAE publications, and the general public. While every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and reliability, they are advisory and provided for informational purposes only, and in many cases represent only one person’s view. They are not intended and should not be relied on as an official statement of ASHRAE. Technical questions not addressed may be submitted to the ASHRAE Technical Services department at

All general questions may be sent to and we will ensure your question is channeled to the appropriate technical committee.