Laboratory Systems
ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.10

Scope of TC 9.10

TC 9.10 is concerned with HVAC components for laboratory systems and their use therein. These components include but are not limited to air intakes, supply air conditioning systems, air distribution methods, laboratory fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, exhaust systems and exhaust discharge. The technical committee will address the unique requirements of all types of laboratories. These laboratories include but are not limited to nuclear, pharmaceutical/medical, general chemistry, and teaching. Additional TC 9.10 concerns are; (1) the reduction of energy usage in laboratory systems, (2) the monitoring of government regulations affecting laboratory operation.

TC 9.10 has two additional specialized subcommittees: Laboratory Classification and Lab Energy Efficiency


The ASHRAE Handbook is published in a series of four volumes, one of which is revised each year, ensuring that no volume is older than four years.

TC 9.10 is responsible for the following handbook chapter:

Modern laboratories require regulated temperature, humidity, relative static pressure, air motion, air cleanliness, sound, and exhaust. This chapter addresses biological, chemical, animal, and physical laboratories. Within these generic categories, some laboratories have unique requirements. This chapter provides an overview of the HVAC characteristics and design criteria for laboratories, including a brief overview of architectural and utility concerns. This chapter does not cover pilot plants, which are essentially small manufacturing units.

The ASHRAE HVAC APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK may be purchased from the on-line bookstore by clicking the highlighted text.

Comment on the Handbook: ASHRAE welcomes your comments on the Handbook or a specific Handbook chapter.  To submit a comment about any aspect or part of the Handbook series, you can use the Handbook Comment Form.

Review a Handbook Chapter: To provide your feedback about a specific Handbook chapter, you can answer the brief survey questions on the Handbook Chapter Review Form.


Technical committees develop and sponsor technical sessions at the winter and annual conferences. Information about their future technical program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Program Subcommittee meeting

ASHRAE publishes papers and transactions from presentations at its conference events. In addition, ASHRAE records most of the seminar sessions from its conferences on DVD. These DVDs are ideal for use at chapter meetings, in university courses, or company lunch and learns. Products available from the most recent conference may be found here.

At the 2024 Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, TC 9.10 participates in the following sessions:

Forum 1: Basics of Air Change Rates Sunday, 8:00 to 9:00

Seminar 5: Laboratory Standards and Codes Updates Sunday 9:45 to 10:45



Technical Committees are responsible for identifying research topics, proposing research projects, selecting bidders, and monitoring research projects funded by ASHRAE. Information about their specific research program is discussed at each TC meeting and at the TC’s Research Subcommittee meeting.

Partial Research Plan

RP 1573: Determination of Suitable Replacement for SF6 When Used as a Tracer Gas in Accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 110.  Project is complete.  Final report is under review.

1780-TRP: Test method to Develop a Methodology to Evaluate Cross Contamination of Gaseous Contaminants within Total Energy Recovery Wheels: Research project out for bid.

1835-TRP: Characterizing the Performance of Entrained Flow Stacks: Research project will go out for bid in Spring 2020.


ASHRAE writes standards for the purpose of establishing consensus for: 1) methods of test for use in commerce and 2) performance criteria for use as facilitators with which to guide the industry. ASHRAE publishes the following three types of voluntary consensus standards: Method of Measurement or Test (MOT), Standard Design and Standard Practice. ASHRAE does not write rating standards unless a suitable rating standard will not otherwise be available. ASHRAE is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and follows ANSI's requirements for due process and standards development. Standards may be purchased at the ASHRAE Bookstore.

TC 9.10 is cognizant for the following standard:

Std. 110: Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods

Laboratory Classification

Status: The sub-committee has completed its work.  ASHRAE has published it electronically.  It is on the web and free to all. Available here:
Comments from interested parties are welcome: e-mail the Laboratory Systems committee at

Mission: Laboratory Classification Subcommittee, in association with other organizations (such as the AIHA Laboratory Health and Safety Committee and the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety), is interested in developing a design standard that describes the engineering features appropriate to support safe management of a variety of chemical processes at the lab scale, as defined by OSHA.  See Mission Statement.

Collaborating Organizations:
AIHA:  Laboratory Health and Safety Committee
ACS:  Division of Chemical Health and Safety


ASHRAE Technical FAQs are provided as a service to ASHRAE members, users of ASHRAE publications, and the general public. While every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and reliability, they are advisory and provided for informational purposes only, and in many cases represent only one person’s view. They are not intended and should not be relied on as an official statement of ASHRAE. Technical questions not addressed may be submitted to the ASHRAE Technical Services department at

TC 9.10 is responsible for the following FAQ:

How are laboratory fume hoods certified?

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