Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration
ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.3

Upcoming TC Meetings

Tip: Copy and Paste Your Upcoming Meeting Information in this area.

Next Meeting

Meeting Title
Date and Time

2024 Annual Meeting



Monday, June 24, 2024

4:00-5:00 pm EDT Research Subcommittee

5:00-7:00 pm EDT Full TC meeting

Indianapolis, IL & Virtual
Indy Marriott, Indiana F (1)

Zoom Meeting Link within "Enter Meeting" at links below: 



Virtual Meeting Etiquette and Tips:

     - Download Webex or Zoom prior to the meeting for a smoother meeting start (Interim meetings are on Zoom, regular meetings are Webex).

     - For Summer and Annual meetings: The meeting, and downloading Webex early, can be accessed through the "Enter Meeting" link on the event page, or the direct Webex link above.

  • - When joining the meeting, edit your display name to clearly identify yourself by hovering over it and clicking Rename.
  • - Save some internet bandwidth and keep your webcam off by default unless you are actively presenting.

Committee Chair

Mr Isaac Simpson

Committee Scope

TC 4.3 is concerned with ventilation requirements and the analysis of infiltration, airflow around buildings, exhaust, and the re-entry of exhaust, including their integration interactions with indoor air quality and energy calculations for buildings and HVAC system design and operation performance and energy consumption.


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2024 Annual Conference
June 22-26, 2024
Indianapolis, IN

Additional Information

Want to become involved in ventilation, infiltration, and indoor air quality (IAQ) issues at the Society level?
Please read through this web site and attend the general and subcommittee meetings of TC 4.3 at the ASHRAE Annual and Winter Meetings!