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Meeting Times for 2025 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Orlando.
Main Meeting
Tuesday 2/11/2025
2:30 PM– 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Hilton Orlando, Lake Louise A (Lobby Level)
Meeting Link:
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Meeting ID: 267 634 606 731
Passcode: GQ3z9tE6
Phone conference ID: 793 135 008#
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TC 6.4 is concerned with combined heat and power (CHP) systems, their cycles and components including heat recovery, combustion turbine inlet cooling (CTIC), energy conversion and system integration. The systems provide both electrical/mechanical power and cooling/heating thermal energy and are also known as cogeneration systems; trigeneration systems; and combined cooling heating and power systems.
Do you want to get involved in your TC's issues at the Society level? If so, read through the pages of this site, attend a meeting, or contact our Committee Chair.
The Department of Energy CHP eCatalog is a great resource for CHP learning, application data and cast studies! Access and explore it here:
The updated CTIC Design Guide is officially available in both versions (PDF and print) at the ASHRAE Book Store! The price for both versions is the same: $86 for members and $115 for non-members.