Resilience and Security
ASHRAE Technical Committee 2.10

Upcoming TC Meetings

Tip: Copy and Paste Your Upcoming Meeting Information in this area.

2024 ASHRAE Annual Conference Meeting:  Indianapolis, IN, June 22 - 26, 2024

Main TC 2.10 In Person/Virtual Webex Meeting: Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT (Chair: Steven Sill ). 

Location: Marriott, Kentucky (1)


TC 2.10 Subcommittee Meetings

-Virtual Standards/Research Subcommittee Mtg: (SubCom Chair: Steven Sill)

-Virtual Programs Subcommittee Mtg: (SubCom Chair: Jason DeGraw)

-Virtual Handbook Subcommittee Mtg: (SubCom Chair: David Evers)

-Virtual Honors and Awards Subcommittee (SubCom Chair: Haven Cassidy)



Committee Chair

Mr Steven C Sill

Committee Scope

TC 2.10 Resilience and Security is concerned with fundamental scientific and engineering design principles for the resilience of the built environments subjected to extraordinary events including mitigating consequential damages, remediation, and recovery..


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2024 Annual Conference
June 22-26, 2024
Indianapolis, IN

The TC 2.10 News Corner

ASHRAE Conferences:

- 2025 ASHRAE Winter Conference Meeting:  Orlando, FL,  Feb  8 - 12, 2025


- 2025 ASHRAE Annual Conference Meeting:   Phoenix, AZ, June 21 - 25, 2025


- 2026 ASHRAE Winter Conference Meeting:  Las Vegas, NV, Jan 31 - Feb 4, 2026
