TC0106 Orlando Agenda Hybrid 20250210 TC0106 Indianapolis Agenda Annual Meeting Hybrid 20240624 TC0106 Chicago Agenda Hybrid 20240122 TC0106 Tampa Agenda Annual Meeting Hybrid 20230626 TC0106 Atlanta Agenda Hybrid 20230206 TC0106 Toronto Agenda Annual Meeting 20220626 TC0106 Agenda Las Vegas Hybrid 20220130 TC0106 Agenda Phoenix Virtual 20210610 TC0106 Agenda Austin Virtual 20200611 TC0106 Agenda Orlando 20200203 TC0106 Agenda Atlanta 20190114
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Monday, February 10, 2025 5:30-7:30 AM PST / 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM EDT / 7:30-9:30 AM CST ( Virtual Teams Link:
| TC1.6 Winter Hybrid Meeting - Orlando, Florida [Spring Lake (Lobby Level), Hilton Orlando] |
TC 1.6 is concerned with terminology, nomenclature, definitions, abbreviations, symbols and SI and IP units used in the used in the fields of heating, ventilating, air conditioning, water heating and refrigeration.
Welcome to the homepage of the ASHRAE Technical Committee 1.6. This technical committee is concerned with HVAC terminology as used in industry and society publications, standards, and computer assisted design tools. We are responsible for the Abbreviations and Symbols chapter and the Units and Conversions chapter in the Fundamentals Handbook.
The ASHRAE Terms is now live ( It is list of over 4,500 terms and harmonized definitions created by TC 1.6 to encourage the use of a consistent and precise vocabulary by Society, the HVAC&R industry and those in related fields who need to refer to an authoritative source of HVAC&R technical terminology.
ASHRAE Terms contains terminology focused on mechanical, envelope, electrical, lighting, load calculations, refrigeration, controls, water design/conservation, air quality, energy use and measurement metrics. Each term has one or more primary definition(s) and an indication denoting in which standard(s) the term is used. Some definitions were created by ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) 1.6, Terminology, and these terms indicate TC 1.6 as their source. It is recommended that all new publication authors consider using the definitions of terms found on this site.
A second ASHRAE Working File Terms file became available in Jan 2018. Accessed by joining the TC 1.6 Working File Basecamp site, it contains about 25,000 terms and definitions found in current and previous ASHRAE Products. Designed for authors and reviewers it gives a more in-depth view of usage. Access is free but must be requested. Contact with a email requesting TC1.6 working file access. You do not need to be a TC 1.6 member to get access.
Please come and get involved. We meet on Monday morning at 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM at both the annual and winter meetings.