Transport Refrigeration
ASHRAE Technical Committee 10.6

Upcoming TC Meetings

Tip: Copy and Paste Your Upcoming Meeting Information in this area.


Indy Marriott and JW Marriott, Indianapolis

ASHRAE TC 10 Combined Research and Program

Sunday, June 23, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
JW Marriott, 301 (3)
Hybrid (Microsoft Teams)
Meeting ID: 292 374 901 859
Passcode: TjEzKV
Remote Participation Link

Main TC Meeting:


Monday, June 24 2024
5:00 - 7:00 PM EDT
Indy Marriott, Denver (2)
Hybrid (Microsoft Teams)
Meeting ID: 292 507 430 378
Passcode: y3J6vd

Remote Participation Link

Handbook Subcommittee Activity and Meeting

Discussion can be held after main TC meeting if needed


Committee Chair

Mr Keonwoo Lee

Committee Scope

TC 10.6 is concerned with the application of standard and special refrigeration equipment to all air, land, and sea transportation systems.


Upcoming Society Conferences

ASHRAE 2025 Winter Conference
February 8-12, 2025
Orlando, FL

Additional Information

Do you want to get involved in your TC's issues at the Society level? If so, read through the pages of this site, attend a meeting, or contact our Committee Chair.